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  • Writer's pictureMichaellimlsy

Blogger? Modelling? Fashion?

I recently graduated my double degree in business and hospitality management. As a hotelier, I have worked in hotel industry for more than two years and currently thinking into changing my career to something else.

I found out that my double degree is helpful in term of it include many different field such as sales, business strategy, entrepreneurship and etc. I set up a personal target for myself by getting a job that I am interested.

— Never Know Until You Try —

A blogger?

Blogger might not be what I really wanted as I have manage my personal blog for more than two year. Before that I created many different type of blog but ended up I leave it without any update and permanently deleted. I might need to be more passionate on this which I am really bad at, but at least I’ve tried my best to create new content once in a while. I admit that I am really bad at creating content and require inspiration for myself to continue as a blogger. Especially during this pandemic and this is what I ended up being as a content writter via Medium to let me brain stay active daily by thinking new content.

— Failure is part of the Stepping Stone to success —

Modelling industry?

Modelling might be the most popular career internationally but it is difficult to get in. Modelling require a lot of daily workout and maintain a healthy meal plan. I would consider it is a high maintenance career to be, I have seek advice from those modelling academy and it require few classes with a reasonable cost. The cost is included creating a portfolio for yourself to be able to get into the modelling or magazine company. Moreover, there are many type of modelling such as commercial, fashion (editorial), fitness, runaway and many more. Commercial model is the easiest way to get in as company will find specifically people to be capable for their product and it is the easiest for people to start-up.

— Perfection is not exist —

I always aimed for perfection, but I accept the truth ‘there is no perfection in the world’ but I will try my best get as close to perfect as possible. This is why I wouldn’t consider myself as fit and still working on it. But this might take longer than my expectation just to get into perfect shape.

A modelling portfolio require a professional photographer which might be costly for me, so I might keep it as what it is on my Instagram and slowly built up from there.

Instagram :@michaellimlsy

I had upload my personal portfolio in series via Medium.(only for Medium Apps & laptop access available)

I will try my best to build up my portfolio one day when I could afford for the price and might consider start up as commercial modelling and slowly work my way up.

Fashion ?

Modelling is related to fashion in term of what specific type of fashion, in my opinion, the priority of getting into fashion industry is get into modelling industry. I might not be good in fashion sense but I really like to update my wardrobe in the certain period. Most of the time I would buy navy or dark colour for my wardrobe but until I found myself wearing in colour make me feel fresh and looks good in overall. Recently, I start changing my wardrobe into bright colour to match with my outfit and make myself look sharp in the public. I might be wrong on what fashion is but what My understanding of fashion is ‘wear it with confident and looks sharp’.

During this pandemic, it is hard for people who looking for a job as unemployment rate is continue increasing from time to time. But as I said, stay positive at all time, something will show up at the right time.

Last but not least, I am excited for the recovery stage happened in Malaysia which mean economy would start slowly pick up and expecting more vacancy posted for people to apply. It might be competitive because of the demand of employment that impacted by this outbreak.

Anyone feel free to leave comment of feedback as I wanted to find out more about this related industry !

Many Thanks.

Michael Lim

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